Annual Calendar Template:
- Country - Choose your home country.
- Year - Calendar year
- First Day of the Week - The first day of the week to be displayed
- First Week of The Year - Determines the work week number
The video shows how does Ultimate Excel Calendar template work.
Monthly Calendar Template:
- Month - Choose which Month you want to display.
- Year - Month year.
- First Day of Week - First day of the week to be displayed.
- Country - Choose your location
Download the Ultimate Annual-Monthly Excel Calendar or post your email in the comment so I can send to you the template file.
Thank you for the sample. From a code review standpoint, I suggest enhancing variable names and adding additional comments. imho, changing variable names such as x and y to descriptive names greatly improves code readability and spending a few minutes writing a logic overview helps someone else start in on the code. Thanks for the start.